Vad hände sen? Vi följer upp Brenden Tyne efter snart två år på Skånes Djurpark

Nyligen blev Brenden även utsedd till vice VD för parken

Brenden, you have an interesting background. You arrived in Sweden 2020 with your family from South Africa. So tell us; how come you left South Africa and why Sweden?

My spouse works for a well-known Swedish brand and spent nine years in the South African office. In 2020, during the COVID lockdown, she was presented with the opportunity to move to HQ in Sweden. We couldn't lett his chance pass us by, so we decided to make the move—and we’ve never looked back. We truly love calling Sweden our new home."

After a long and challenging search process, Based On People finally found you, and Skånes Djurpark welcomed you as their new Chief Operating Officer.  How has your first one and the half year on the job been?

This has been one of the most interesting phases of my career. In South Africa, I was a partner in a successful restaurant chain, but working in the park has taken me on a completely new path. While my focus on food and beverage offerings is a key responsibility, I’ve encountered many other aspects of the role that I had never experienced before. I have thoroughly enjoyed the animal and theme park elements, and the culture at the park is truly special."

You were recently promoted to the role of Deputy CEO, what is responsibility and what will be your focus ahead?

In my new, expanded role, I am responsible for operations and supporting our VD in developing and implementing strategies while making key decisions for the entire company. I will step in as VD, with the defined responsibilities, rights, and powers, when he is unavailable and for specific projects and areas he designates. I am excited about this opportunity and lookforward to further developing as we take the park into the future."

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